Mastermind-Podcast Episode #021

20 episodes, he led the podcast through the first season. Today he sits as a guest on the other side of the microphone: Kevin Pamann is Helen Bielawa's first interview partner in episode 21 and takes questions from the new host!

(Kopie 2)

20 episodes he has led the podcast through the first season. Today he sits as a guest on the other side of the microphone: Kevin Pamann is Helen Bielawa's first interview partner in episode 21 and takes questions from the new host!

The two dare to look back and answer the questions, which challenges Kevin had to master, which goals were pursued and achieved with the podcast? In addition, Kevin gives exciting insights about his learnings from season 1 and which statements impressed him the most.

Then the former host slips once again into his role as host and talks to Helen about her career as a journalist, her attachment to the project and the direction of the Mastermind-Podcast in season 2!

Look forward to the new editions and feel free to give us, Helen or Kevin feedback on the new episode!

Listen to the new episode here.

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