Green City Our future is green!

The lighthouse GREEN CITY pursues the goal in the sense of Open Innovation, to jointly tackle the challenges towards a climate resilient city! The climate pressure is increasing and in order to avoid further climate damage in our homeland, to provide the population with a healthy living space and to make the city fit for the future, a collective pooling of resources is needed - knowledge, innovative creativity, inspiration, motivation and commitment.

We need green change and we are all aware of it. But how do you start a change? How do you start the challenge of the century? We don't have a smart answer to that either. But we just start!

Green City Formats

  • Green City Meetup OWL

    We have created a Meetup for everyone who is interested in more sustainability in Bielefeld - be it companies, institutions, associations, citizens' initiatives, cultural institutions or representatives of the city - and who is committed to making Bielefeld greener!

    With the Meetup we want to

    • connect people with the same mindset

    • strengthen the green innovation culture in the region

    • enable inspiration and participation

    & most importantly, build a community that is made up of diverse urban social groups!

    Convinced? Here you can find the next date.

Open Innovation City Community

It's a well-known fact that the best ideas come in the shower. And after the shower, these ideas should come directly to us on the community platform! In order to mature one's ideas and make them feasible, a community with valuable input is needed. Of course, there is room for all kinds of ideas on the platform.

So if you have a solution, e.g. how to make parks cleaner, downtown greener, buildings more efficient, or how a neighborhood can establish barter economies, get it on the platform fast!
Follow this link!

Makrotrend Green City

In our Innovation Trend Book, we identified the global trends of the future. From this, seven microtrends have emerged, among which "Green City" is a core theme. In addition, we were able to identify a further 20 microtrends that shed even more light on the global trend. From power-to-X technologies to sharing economies, many exciting topics are included. This shows: The Green City of the future is multi-faceted, diverse and offers enormous potential.  
More detailed explanations and regional examples are available in the digital version of the trend book or in the print version at the OIC Office!  


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