International exchange at the Tampere Smart City Week

Open Innovation City goes Finland: With a travel group from Bielefeld, the OIC team traveled to Finland a few days ago. The destination? The Tampere Smart City Week - TSCW for short. The result? Many conversations, great insights into the Finnish innovator ecosystem, new collaborations!

Open Innovation City goes Finland: With a travel group from Bielefeld, the OIC team traveled to Finland a few days ago. The destination? The Tampere Smart City Week - TSCW for short. TSCW is a conference for cities and solution providers from the industry that focused on digital technologies, cyber security and smart data. Topics that we are also already addressing in Bielefeld in various ways. As an exhibitor at TSCW, we also had a wonderful opportunity to present our topics, the thinking behind our project and our work in the Nokia Arena.

With us in Finland we also had the team "Geondis", which won the audience award at the BIE Green! - City Hack and thus won the trip to the Finnish city. Thanks to Pekka Stuckert, our Finnish-German ambassador, we not only had an informative program on site, but were also able to hold numerous talks (including with Mayor Anna-Kaisa Ikonen; Platform 6, City of Tampere) and get to know new innovation ecosystems. From many of these conversations we know: something is growing together here and from this more productive meetings will follow!

Now it's about connecting the city of Bielefeld, Stadtwerke Bielefeld and industry via Owl maschinenbau and startups via FF.

We look forward to the exciting coming weeks and months!


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