How can we achieve a green transformation in the building sector with existing buildings?
Due to illness, architect Elfriede Heidhoff unfortunately had to pass at short notice. She would have presented the unique course of study "Building in Existing Contexts" at the Münster University of Applied Sciences, but will make up for this next year. Instead, the attendees discussed all the more with architect Siegfried Wendker, who reported from his broad wealth of experience at GOLDBECK GmbH. There he is also responsible for the area of "Building in Existing Contexts" and showed what opportunities and risks can be expected in the realization of sustainable projects. What is clear, however, is that "we cannot wait any longer if we want to realize our ambitious goals of achieving 1.5 degrees of global warming!" The networking later on showed how broadly mixed the interest of the participants was: Between architects and energy consultants, students talked with interested people or innovators from outside the industry! Many clever and exciting ideas emerged, which we will explore in more detail in the future. We will keep you informed about this at or in the upcoming Meetup! P.S.: Many thanks to Johannes Mailänder for the little surprise! Great thing you support with the Round Table Santa!