BIE CITY Hackathon
Key Results of the Event
All citizens of the city of Bielefeld were invited to the BIE CITY Hackathon, organised by the Open Innovation City project - which is supported by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia - and the Digitalisation Office of the city of Bielefeld, in order to help rethink urban life as co-designers. Already in the pre-event, all citizens were invited to contribute ideas on how life in the city during and after Corona could be shaped. Six challenges from the areas of retail, gastronomy, culture, sport, mobility and public space were published in advance and could be worked on by the participants. Around 30 participants responded to the call to become co-designers and spent a weekend developing creative approaches to solutions.
At the end of the BIE CITY Hackathon, all groups presented their ideas in a pitch. A jury, consisting of Rabea Schulze (Sparkasse Bielefeld), Henrich Hardieck (WEGE), Matthias Woerger (Volksbank Bielefeld-Gütersloh), Henning Duderstadt (Open Innovation City), Matthias Eichler (Digitalisation Office of the City of Bielefeld) and Florian Gellert (Code for Bielefeld) as technical expert, evaluated the solutions and decided which two winning teams would receive the prize money of 1. 500 Euros each, provided by Sparkasse Bielefeld and Volksbank Bielefeld-Gütersloh.
The Following Teams Took Part in the BIE CITY Hackathon:
BIE Spotty (public space): BIE Spotty addresses the problem of public spaces. Through smart technology and the help of anonymised data, so-called "heat maps" are created, which offer citizens transparency for the frequency of public spaces.
Gastident (gastronomy): Gastident is a software and digitalises the guest data acquisition. The chaos of the paper economy should thus be digitally managed and represents an improvement for gastronomeurs and guests. Concrete added values are the avoidance of sources of infection such as pens, the avoidance of waiting times and the protection of personal data of other guests.
TooleV (Sport): TooleV is a platform for sports clubs, which enables the centralised communication and organisation of these. The app efficiently organises appointments, enables quick acceptances or cancellations and obtains digital consents or alike. It simplifies coordination for teams and training groups. Communication hurdles and misunderstandings, which characterise the everyday life of many volunteers, are thus eliminated.
ANA Shopping (retail): ANA Shopping is an app that reduces waiting time and improves the customer experience in retail. The app can be used to search for shops or scan QR codes - this gives the customer a fastpass and allows him/her to see the frequency of shops or reserve products. At the same time, the app enables the retailer to counteract overcrowding.
The end of this creative weekend does not mean the end of the development of ideas. On the contrary, the hackathon represents an intermediate step which is followed by the further elaboration of the developed solutions. The Open Innovation City project aims to discuss future-relevant issues in interdisciplinary teams. And this is exactly what the solutions of the BIE CITY Hack are intended to do. The teams' ideas will be further developed together with the city's stakeholders and finally accompanied until implementation.
Further information is also available at
Monday, 15.06.20: Panel Talk on the BIE CITY Hackathon (see below)
Friday, 19.06.20: Welcome and Opening in the Master Room. Followed by a Keynote Lecture, Presentation of the Challenges and Teams and start
Saturday, 20.06.20: Intro-Pitch, Exchange, Milestones (idea generation phase, summary and weighting)
Sunday, 21.06.20: Developing Design and Prototype as well as Conclusion (Preparation Pitch, Voting, Outlook)
Overview Actors
Digitisation Office of the City of Bielefeld
Open Innovation City Bielefeld